ITU-R V : Vocabulary and related subjects

ITU-R SM: Spectrum management

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Spectrum management

Automatic monitoring of occupancy of the radio-frequency spectrum  
Note – Suppressed on 16/02/11 (CACE/528)
Spurious emissions from sound and television broadcast receivers  
Note – Suppressed on 06/06/03 (RA-03)
Determination and measurement of the power of amplitude-modulated radio transmitters  
Spectra and bandwidth of emissions  
Unwanted emissions in the spurious domain  
Noise and sensitivity of receivers  
Selectivity of receivers  
Frequency and distance separations  
Accuracy of frequency measurements at stations for international monitoring  
Field-strength measurements at monitoring stations  
Methods for the measurement of radio interference and the determination of tolerable levels of interference  
Note – Suppressed on 06/06/03 (RA-03)
Bandwidth measurement at monitoring stations  
Use of radio-noise data in spectrum utilization studies  
Note – Suppressed on 24/10/97 (RA-97)
Protection of fixed monitoring stations against interference from nearby or stong transmitters  
National spectrum management data  
Note – Suppressed on 22/09/11 (CACE/548)
Electronic exchange of information for spectrum management purposes  
Protection ratios for spectrum sharing investigations  
Note – Suppressed on 02/06/2006 (CACE/389)
Determination of the coordination area of an earth station operating with a geostationary space station and using the same frequency band as a system in a terrestrial service  
Note – Suppressed on 05/05/00 (RA-2000)
Determination of the coordination area of a transmitting earth station using the same frequency band as receiving earth stations in bidirectionally allocated frequency bands  
Note – Suppressed on 05/05/00 (RA-2000)
Determination of the coordination area for earth stations operating with non-geostationary spacecraft in bands shared with terrestrial services  
Note – Suppressed on 05/05/00 (RA-2000)
Coordination areas using predetermined coordination distances  
Note – Suppressed on 05/05/00 (RA-2000)
Sharing between the broadcasting service and the fixed and/or mobile services in the VHF and UHF bands  
Sensitivity of radio receivers for class of emissions F3E  
Necessary bandwidth  
Direction finding and location determination at monitoring stations  
Multi-service telecommunication systems  
New spectrally efficient techniques and systems  
Compatibility between the sound-broadcasting service in the band of about 87-108 MHz and the aeronautical services in the band 108-137 MHz  
Note – This Recommendation replaces Rec. ITU-R IS.1009
Frequency tolerance of transmitters  
Definition of spectrum use and efficiency of a radio system  
National spectrum management  
Design guidelines for a basic automated spectrum management system (BASMS)  
Note – Suppressed on 22/09/11 (CACE/548)
A method of spectrum management to be used for aiding frequency assignment for terrestrial services in border areas  
Tasks of a monitoring service  
Priority of identifying and eliminating harmful interference in the band 406-406.1 MHz  
Automatic identification of radio stations  
Note – Suppressed on 13/09/2012 (CACE/585)
Methods of improving HF direction-finding accuracy at fixed stations  
Note – Suppressed on 06/03/07 (CACE/418)
Monitoring of radio emissions from spacecraft at monitoring stations  
The use of spread spectrum techniques  
Limitation of radiation from industrial, scientific and medical (ISM) equipment  
Factors to consider in allocating spectrum on a worldwide basis  
General principles and methods for sharing between radiocommunication services or between radio stations  
Spectrum utilization of broadly defined services  
Intermodulation interference calculations in the land-mobile service  
SINPO and SINPFEMO codes  
Determination of necessary bandwidths including examples for their calculation and associated examples for the designation of emissions  
International monitoring system  
Test procedures for measuring aeronautical receiver characteristics used for determining compatibility between the sound-broadcasting service in the band of about 87-108 MHz and the aeronautical services in the band 108-118 MHz  
Performance functions for digital modulation systems in an interference environment  
National alternative allocation methods  
Adaptive MF/HF systems  
Collection and publication of monitoring data to assist frequency assignment for geostationary satellite systems  
Note – Suppressed on 13/09/2012 (CACE/585)
Method of measuring the maximum frequency deviation of FM broadcast emissions at monitoring stations  
Classification of direction finding bearings  
Note – Suppressed on 06/03/07 (CACE/418)
Additional information for monitoring purposes related to classification and designation of emission  
Efficient spectrum utilization using probabilistic methods  
Design guidelines for developing automated spectrum management systems  
Essential requirements for a spectrum monitoring system for developing countries  
Common formats for the exchange of information between monitoring stations  
Common format for Memorandum of Understanding between the agreeing countries regarding cooperation in spectrum monitoring matters  
Radiocommunication Data Dictionary for notification and coordination purposes  
Definition and measurement of intermodulation products in transmitter using frequency, phase, or complex modulation techniques  
Monitoring of the radio coverage of land mobile networks to verify compliance with a given licence  
Determination of the coordination area around an earth station in the frequency bands between 100 MHz and 105 GHz  
The protection of safety services from unwanted emissions  
Frequency channel occupancy measurements  
Note – Suppressed on 16/02/11 (CACE/528)
Automation and integration of spectrum monitoring systems with automated spectrum management  
Technical and operating parameters and spectrum requirements for short range radiocommunication devices  
Note – Suppressed on 28/04/10 (CACE/510)
Variation of the boundary between the out-of-band and spurious domains required for the application of Recommendations ITU-R SM.1541 and ITU-R SM.329  
Unwanted emissions in the out-of-band domain falling into adjacent allocated bands  
Unwanted emissions in the out-of-band domain  
The protection of passive services from unwanted emissions  
Methods of radio direction finding and location on time division multiple access and code division multiple access signals  
Determination of the geographical and frequency distribution of the spectrum utilization factor for frequency planning purposes  
Technical identification of digital signals  
Spectrum redeployment as a method of national spectrum management  
Guidelines for an upgraded spectrum management system for developing countries  
Compatibility analysis between a passive service and an active service allocated in adjacent and nearby bands  
Measuring of low-level emissions from space stations at monitoring earth stations using noise reduction techniques  
Methods for measurements on digital broadcasting signals  
Field-strength measurements along a route with geographical coordinate registrations  
Mobile spectrum monitoring unit  
An additional methodology for the evaluation of the effect of interference between radiocommunication networks operating in a shared frequency band  
Limits for unwanted emissions under free-space condition  
Note -Suppressed on 13/09/2012 (CACE/585)
Methods for measurements of radio noise  
Measurement techniques of ultra-wideband transmissions  
Characteristics of ultra-wideband technology  
Framework for the introduction of devices using ultra-wideband technology  
Impact of devices using ultra-wideband technology on systems operating within radiocommunication services  
Measuring sideband emissions of T-DAB and DVB-T transmitters for monitoring purposes  
Measuring frequency channel occupancy using the technique used for frequency band measurement  
Note – Suppressed on 16/02/11 (CACE/528)
Wideband instantaneous bandwidth spectrum monitoring systems  
Standard data exchange format for frequency band registrations and measurements at monitoring stations  
Test procedure for measuring the properties of the IF filter of radio monitoring receivers  
Test procedure for measuring the 3rd order intercept point (IP3) level of radio monitoring receivers  
Test procedure for measuring the noise figure of radio monitoring receivers  
Test procedure for measuring the scanning speed of radio monitoring receivers  
Test procedure for measuring the sensitivity of radio monitoring receivers using analogue-modulated signals  
DVB-T coverage measurements and verification of planning criteria  
The impact of power line high data rate telecommunication systems on radiocommunication systems below 470 MHz  
Spectrum occupancy measurement and evaluation  
Frequency ranges for global or regional harmonization of short-range devices (SRDs)  
Protection distance calculation between inductive systems and radiocommunication services using frequencies below 30 MHz  
Spectrum monitoring evolution  
Test procedure for measuring direction finder accuracy  
Test procedure for measuring direction finder immunity against multi-path propagation  
Precision of time information in output data of monitoring receivers  
Methods for measurements of indoor radio environment  
Test procedure for measuring direction finder sensitivity in the VHF/UHF frequency range  
On-site accuracy measurements of a fixed direction finder system  


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