ITU-R V : Vocabulary and related subjects

ITU-R TF : Time signals and frequency standards emissions

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ITU-R TF : Time signals and frequency standards emissions

Time signals and frequency standards emissions

Precise frequency and time-signal transmissions  
Standard-frequency and time-signal emissions in additional frequency bands  
Note – Suppressed on 24/10/97 (RA-97)
Avoidance of external interference with emissions of the standard-frequency service in the bands allocated to that service  
Note – Suppressed on 24/10/97 (RA-97)
Use of the modified Julian date by the standard-frequency and time-signal services  
International comparisons of atomic time scales  
Note – Suppressed on 18/02/11 (CACE/529)
Standard-frequency and time-signal emissions  
Use of time scales in the field of standard-frequency and time services  
Note – Suppressed on 24/10/97 (RA-97)
Use of UTC frequency as reference in standard frequency and time signal emissions  
Use of the term UTC  
Time-scale notations  
Note – Suppressed on 18/02/11 (CACE/529)
Reduction of mutual interference between emissions of the standard-frequency and time-signal service on the allocated frequencies in bands 6 and 7  
Note – Suppressed on 24/10/97 (RA-97)
Measures for random instabilities in frequency and time (phase)  
Time and frequency reference signal dissemination and coordination using satellite methods  
Note – Suppressed on 18/02/11 (CACE/529)
Time codes  
International synchronization of UTC time scale  
Note – Suppressed on 24/10/97 (RA-97)
Glossary and definitions of time and frequency terms  
Use of global navigation satellite systems for high-accuracy time transfer  
Standard frequencies and time signals  
Relativistic effects in a coordinate time system in the vicinity of the Earth  
Systems, techniques and services for time and frequency transfer  
The operational use of two-way satellite time and frequency transfer employing pseudorandom noise codes  
Time scales for use by standard-frequency and time-signal services  
Note – Suppressed on 18/02/11 (CACE/529)
Trusted time source for Time Stamp Authority  
Relativistic time transfer in the vicinity of the Earth and in the solar system  


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